Organization Optimization
We work with you to optimize your organization. What do we mean by that?
Today’s ever-changing global environment requires phenomenal agility to pivot quickly and meet new business demands.
To perform at the optimal level, organizations must create clarity in six areas: Purpose, Roles, Process, Systems, Relationships, and Environment. We work to ensure all parts work in alignment.
Grow your organization’s impact by:
- Elevating the conversations of your leadership team
- Surfacing assumptions that hinder understanding
- Creating greater connection and alignment with your team and organization
Not Just Knowledge, Know-How
The ability of an organization to work together effectively through times of change will ultimately determine its longevity. Due to the wide variety of internal and external circumstances an organization may be facing, our approach to supporting change is consultative. Cascade Leadership works with organizations of all sizes to enact change, develop leaders, and improve team effectiveness, through proven methods.
Every client and team is different, and we work with them to build on their individual strengths. We partner with our clients to create solutions that specifically address their needs and challenges. Our experience and training gives us the flexibility to pull from a myriad of tools in our box to create a custom solution.

Services we provide to support your evolution and optimize your organization include:
Strategic Planning
Certified in the Outthinker™ strategic planning methodology, we bring competitive strategy and innovation to life. We facilitate strategic planning sessions to help teams to align around a common purpose, vision, and strategy that enable innovative approaches to achieving results.
Organizational Change
Accelerating change happens when organizations overcome resistance to change by creating clarity about the current state, future state, and first steps that close the gap between them. We work with you to imbed tools of transformation, design simplicity into complex systems, and align Purpose, Roles, Process, Systems, Relationships, and Environment.
Conference Design & Facilitation
We develop and deliver virtual and in-person meetings and conferences that help teams align around a common purpose, vision or strategy to support a climate of collaboration and stronger business results.
Culture Assessment
We use the Collective Leadership Assessment™ and Dennison Culture Survey™ to understand your team’s and organization’s current state and ideal state that will attract and retain talent. We identify areas of cultural strength and weakness with hard data and measure improvement over time.
Team Effectiveness
Building a healthy team is not rocket science, but it does takes discipline and focus. We use assessments to diagnose the team before selecting optimal interventions. Often, they fall in three categories:
- High Performing Organizations: The six conversations required to ensure high performance (as seen in the model)
- Productive Conversations: Enabling productive conversations about difficult topics
- Governance Structures: Constructing meeting governance structures and decision-making processes that ensure alignment
Virtual, Hybrid, or In-Person Work
Having worked remotely since 2007, Shannon Wallis has led global change initiatives utilizing completely virtual teams. Not just knowledge, know-how…let us help you be successful in the new world of work.